Mohamed Amersi joins the Oxford Internet Institute Advisory Board
In February 2020, Mohamed Amersi was invited to join the Advisory Board of the Oxford Internet Institute.
The Oxford Internet Institute (OII) is a multidisciplinary research and teaching department of the University of Oxford, dedicated to the study of society, technology, information and data. The Institute’s three pillars of work include Research, Teaching, and Policy. With a faculty of 45 professors, students are able to complete Masters, PhDs or part-time work-study programmes to apply their learnings in practice in real time.
The multidisciplinary nature of the Institute lends a critical advantage to serve the interconnected behaviours and systems linking our social, economic and political world. By bringing together people who can cross disciplinary boundaries, the OII is uniquely positioned to nurture a healthy internet with alumni doing vital, ethical research work across government, industry, civil society, and academia.
Other distinguished members of the Advisory Board include Mitchell Baker, Chairwoman of Mozilla, and Richard Suskind OBE, President of the Society for Computers and Law, and Technology Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales.
Civic engagement to solve social problems through data science is a particular focus for Phil Howard, OII Director. As such, the OII virtual events are open to members of the public to learn from and engage. The next event on “Why Fairness Cannot Be Automated” on April 14th will be led by Sandra Wachter, Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School and Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow in Law and Ethics of AI, Big Data, robotics and Internet Regulation at the OII.
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